About Me

My name is Evan Infantino. I was an engineering major I am now a business major, I did 3ish semesters of mechanical engineering and then my mother got cancer. This changed my perspective on a lot of things in life mainly what I found important to put my time in to. These days the things I enjoy most are biking hiking reading and playing video games  with my friends. I work at a bike shop called Sierra Cyclesmith, and I’ve worked there for 7 years. In the winters I work at Ski Pro Reno, and I’ve also worked a mechanical engineering internship for several years.  In 5 years I see myself in some place new exploring new possibilities with career and talent, in particular pushing boundaries in science and engineering from a less technical perspective, as a marketing director or project manager. In 10 years I see myself back in Reno starting a family, and finally settling down into the career that I want to keep for the rest of my life. In retirement I see myself teaching or otherwise telling or showing people about my passions.